当前位置:广东通用检测认证集团有限公司 >CE认证轮滑盔 CE认证自行车骑行头盔 CE认证平衡车头盔 > CE认证自行车骑行头盔


CE认证轮滑盔 CE认证自行车骑行头盔 CE认证平衡车头盔



  儿童运动用:自行车骑行头盔、轮滑盔、平衡车头盔等头部防护装置出口欧美需要满足CE-PPE法规的要求,欧盟标准EN 1080:2013 Impact protection helmets for young children对儿童头盔设计要求做了详细的规定,下面由认证工程师为您解读。


  1 Materials材料设计要求

  For those parts of the helmet coming into contact with the skin, the material used shall not be subject to any known appreciable alteration from contact with sweat or with substances likely to be found in toiletries.


  Materials shall not be used which are known to cause skin disorders or other adverse effects on health. For a material not in general use, advice as to its suitability shall be sought before its introduction.


  The following list of documents is given for information and as examples of documents to be examined: 以下是材料审查的文件清单,以供参考:

  a) materials specifications;材料规格书

  b) safety data sheets relating to the materials; 与物料有关的安全数据表(例如有害物质检测报告);

  c) information relating to the suitability of the materials for use with food, in medical devices, or other relevant applications; 有关该材料是否适合用于食品、医疗器械或其他相关应用的信息;

  d) information relating to toxicological, allergenic, carcinogenic, toxic to reproduction or mutagenic investigations on the materials; 有关该材料的毒理学、致敏性、致癌性、对生殖的毒性或致突变性调查的信息;

  e) information relating to ecotoxicological and other environmental investigations on the materials. 有关该材料的生态毒理学和其他环境调查的信息。

  The examination shall determine whether the claim that the materials are suitable for use in the protective helmet is justified. Particular attention needs to be paid to the presence of plasticisers, unreacted components, heavy m e t als, impurities and the chemical identity of pigments and dyes. 审查应当确定材料适合用于防护头盔的主张是否合理。需要特别注意增塑剂、未反应组分、重金属、杂质以及色素和染料的化学特性。

  All m e t allic materials which could come into prolonged contact with the skin (e.g. buckles, studs, fittings) shall have an emission of nickel of less than 0,5 μg/cm per week. The method of test shall be according to EN 1811.

  所有可能与皮肤长期接触的金属材料(如扣环、螺柱、配件)的镍排放量应低于0.5 μg/cm每周。测试方法应符合EN 1811。


  2 Construction结构设计要求

  The helmet normally consists of a means of absorbing impact energy, a means of retaining the helmet on the head and a self-release system.


  The helmet shall be so designed and shaped that in normal use the parts of it in contact or in potential contact with the user shall be free of roughness, sharp edges, projections and anything which could be harmful to the user.


  Helmets should:头盔应当

  - have low weight; 较轻的重量;

  - be ventilating; 保证通风性;

  - be easy to put on and take off; 穿脱方便;

  - be usable with spectacles; 可以配护目镜使用;

  - not significantly interfere with the ability of the user to hear traffic noise. 不会明显干扰使用者听到交通噪音的能力。

  3 Field of vision视野设计要求

  When tested according to EN 1080, there shall be no occultation in the field of vision bounded by angles as follows按照EN 1080测试时,以下角度限定的视野内不应存在掩蔽现象

  - horizontally: min 105° from the longitudinal vertical median plane to the left and right hand sides; 平方向:纵向垂直中位面至左右两侧最小105°;

  - upwards: min 25° from the reference plane; 向上:距参考平面至少25°;

  - downwards: min 45° from the basic plane. 向下:基本平面向下45°。



  It has been designed to eliminate possible air pockets and excess material that can be generated during various processes of laying ceramic material, allowing them to be levelled. Especially suitable for large tiles.


  EN ISO 12100: 2010;

  EN 62841-1: 2015

  EN 60204-1:2018

  EN 55014-1: 2017, EN 55014-2: 2015


  1 辅助MD机械指令TCF技术资料的准备

  2 样机的安全检测与风险评估

  3 欧盟法规、标准的解读与培训

  • 公司名称:广东通用检测认证集团有限公司
  • 联系人:严工
  • 联系电话:13510588137 13510588137
  • 地址:深圳市宝安区石岩街道官田社区北环北一巷23号2101

